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digiKam 8.4.0 is released
// by digiKam Team
Dear digiKam fans and users, After five months of active maintenance and long bugs triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 8.4.0 of its open source digital photo manager. Long time bugs present in older versions have been fixed and we spare a lot of time to contact users to validate changes in pre-release to confirm fixes before deploying the program in production. The application internationalization has also been updated.
digiKam Recipes 2024-05-13 released
// by Dmitri Popov
A new revision of digiKam Recipes is available for your reading pleasure. The new version covers the auto tagging feature introduced in digiKam 8.3 and explains how to run digiKam in a container. If you bought the book through Gumroad, you’ll find the new revision in the Library section. The book purchased through Google Play should be updated automatically to the latest version. If you have problems getting the latest revision of the book, contact the author at dmpop@cameracode.