geoifacecommon.cpp File Reference




void Digikam::GeoIface_assert (const char *const condition, const char *const filename, const int lineNumber)
GeoCoordinates::PairList Digikam::GeoIfaceHelperNormalizeBounds (const GeoCoordinates::Pair &boundsPair)
 Split bounds crossing the dateline into parts which do not cross the dateline. More...
bool Digikam::GeoIfaceHelperParseBoundsString (const QString &boundsString, QPair< GeoCoordinates, GeoCoordinates > *const boundsCoordinates)
 Parses a '((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2))' bounds string as returned by the JavaScript parts. More...
bool Digikam::GeoIfaceHelperParseLatLonString (const QString &latLonString, GeoCoordinates *const coordinates)
 Parse a 'lat,lon' string a returned by the JavaScript parts. More...
bool Digikam::GeoIfaceHelperParseXYStringToPoint (const QString &xyString, QPoint *const point)
 Parse a '(X.xxx,Y.yyy)' string as returned by the JavaScript parts. More...
int Digikam::QPointSquareDistance (const QPoint &a, const QPoint &b)
 Helper function, returns the square of the distance between two points. More...